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Instructional Design for Educators

The videos included here were part of a project I did this past summer. It got interrupted by life and thrown completely off track. The friends for whom I was providing this information were very gracious to me. So, even though the timing is completely wonky, I decided to finish it anyway.

Hi friends, my name is Carla Downing and I'm an applied researcher and metacognition coach sharing what I've learned during my career with others. I'm doing this a couple of different ways. I provide fun content and resources for teachers who want to know more about Instructional Systems Design & eLearning. I also help parents and caregivers understand metacognition so they can help kids become confident, skilled, thinkers and learners. I approach both goals using easy-to-understand language, examples, and activities so people can apply what I share quickly. Much of the success I've achieved in my career has been because I make complex things easy to understand and apply. In fact, I use the monikers Coach Mimzy and Chief Gogy Master to remind myself to keep things light and fun even when we're talking about something complex. After all, learning should be both valuable and fun for you, your kids, your clients...and for me too!


This video is an overview of the 6-Week Summer Challenge--An experience created for educators who want to know more about Instructional Systems Design & eLearning Development. NOTE: These videos are formatted so you can listen-on-the-move rather than sitting and watching. When I share a visual that’s required to support comprehension, I overtly call it out so you can take a look or return later to check it out.

Start Here

This video sets you up for success by setting expectations for the experience. NOTE: These videos are formatted so you can listen-on-the-move rather than sitting and watching. When I share a visual that’s required to support comprehension, I overtly call it out so you can take a look or return later to check it out.

Developing Expertise

If you want to become an expert in your field--check out this 10-minute video to get a strong start with your development. It's not hard to do. But it does require deliberate and consistent effort.

The Consulting Dynamic

Learn the 12 characteristics that will help you stay in the right headspace to achieve successful outcomes for your clients; which will also lead to your success as a consultant.

Coming This Week

Building a Client List

In Development

Clients are everywhere; after all, you have the solutions they need.

The History of Instructional Systems Design & eLearning

In Development

Knowing WHY ISD and eLearning exist will help with skill development.

eLearning Development

In Development

Developing eLearning packages is such rewarding work and so in demand.

Putting It All Together for the Win

In Development

Ready to successfully design and implement your transition?

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